

罗马 is one of the most incredible cities on earth. 它曾经是世界的首都,坐落在立博中文版基督教大学的中心, 天主教, 和本笃会传统. Walk the streets that martyrs trod, see the ruins of the palace of the emperors, gaze upon the works of Michelangelo and Caravaggio, and visit the places where Saint Benedict himself lived.

在立博中文版, we aim to educate our students on how to be leaders in the service of truth, 他们可以通过与历史和基督教核心信仰的活生生的相遇来认识和理解关于世界和自己的真相. 来罗马学习,亲身体验使立博中文版成为“快乐的基督徒”的一切, 忠实的天主教徒, 感谢本笃会."

​​Ben果酱in Helget, ‘21, studied at the University of Mary’s 罗马 Campus. 在这个视频中, 他分享了他在罗马学习的经历,以及他在国外期间周游欧洲的经历.

Studying abroad 在罗马 was the most formative experience I have ever been a part of! 罗马提供了一种氛围, which allowed my greatest dreams to arise, 我的学习成为现实, and for my passions to flourish! 罗马 forever becomes a part of your heart.

Julia, 罗马 出国留学 Student

An Opportunity Like No Other


  • 在一个安静的社区有一个属于你自己的家,从圣彼得广场坐公交就能到.
  • A program that integrates academics, faith, and community.
  • 在秋天和春天, 学费, 房间, and 董事会 costs are the same 在罗马 as they are on our main campus, and scholarships and financial aid awards still apply. 你所需要做的就是支付学术旅行的项目费用,购买机票,然后出发!
    If you're planning to spend a month 在罗马 during the Maymester, reach out to the 全球研究办公室 定价.

你还在等什么? It's time to sign up for a semester or a month 在罗马. 让我们去! Or, as the Italians would say, “Andiamo!”

与我们的创始使命保持一致,即培养年轻人成为为真理服务的领导者, 罗马校区旨在为学生提供学术成长和个人发展的独特机会. Whether you're studying a medical profession, 教育, 业务, 或生物, 在罗马, 你将在一个特别为你创造的充满活力的国际环境中完成大学核心课程的课程.

在教室里, 你将被邀请进入一个引人入胜的环境,特别关注历史教训的方式, the great achievements of human reason, 神圣启示的光芒让我们更清楚地看到,我们如何应对当今人类面临的紧迫问题.

But the class房间 is only the beginning. 在罗马时, 课堂上介绍的思想和理想在课堂外与意大利人民和文化的世界相遇时被赋予了生命. 就是这次相遇, so different from any other experience, that offers the context for students to examine their own hearts and minds, so they might hear with greater clarity their own calling in life.


Managed by the Handmaids of Charity, Al Casaletto, a historic ferie之家 (“度假屋”)位于蒙特韦德新沃安静的社区,是我们罗马校区的所在地. You will live a short bus ride from Vatican City and downtown 罗马. 查看罗马校园地图

All 房间s have a private bath房间 and shower as well as high-speed internet. Our campus encompasses study areas, 一个图书馆, 教室空间, 户外康乐场地, 生机勃勃的花园, 还有一个小教堂.


学生可能会去 for a semester or a month-long summer program called the 罗马Maymester.



Participation is a privilege, and approval by the University of Mary is required. Only students in good academic and behavioral standing are eligible to apply.

学生应该对文科和西方文明的知识传统有浓厚的兴趣. 优先考虑二年级学生和在天主教研究计划中宣布主修或副修的学生. Space is limited and 35 students are accepted each semester.


During the fall and spring semesters, 房间费用, 董事会, and 学费 is the same as our Bismarck campus. All scholarships and financial aid apply to the cost of these programs. Students are responsible for round-trip airfare, a program fee for academic excursions, and spending money for personal travel and meals on the weekends.

The costs are managed differently for the 罗马Maymester. 一定要和他们谈谈 全球研究协调员 了解定价.


The program features specialized courses from the core curriculum. They'll cover topics such as history, theology, art history, Italian, and philosophy. 课堂上的日子与游览罗马市中心相结合,在那里学生们将有特殊的机会进入圣. 彼得大教堂,梵蒂冈博物馆的珍宝,甚至是教皇弗朗西斯的听众. 但在罗马城外, 学生们还将冒险前往意大利乡村,在那里他们将遇到那些更直接地受到圣本笃本人生活影响的地方. 真正的, 学习的学生可以直接接触到使立博中文版成为“快乐的基督徒”的一切, 忠实的天主教徒, 感谢本笃会."


Classes are during the week, leaving many weekends free for travel. 学生在欧洲旅行,如果精心计划,可以是令人兴奋的和相对便宜.

Are there special occasions to build community?

在星期三, 学生们与校园牧师和来自北美学院的神学院学生聚在一起, for an experience that is the heart of the University of Mary 罗马 Campus, 地理隔离种. 学生们首先聚集在主的餐桌周围,欢庆弥撒, 然后, swap stories and reconnect with one another over a traditional Italian meal.


立博中文版致力于为学生提供更高水平的知识和文化参与,并倡导在全球环境中培养领导力. 目标是让学生对其他文化和生活方式有丰富的体验. 这是一个独特的机会,让他们在基督教信仰和本笃会价值观的摇篮中亲身体验伟大的美丽和奇迹. 认真对待这个机会的学生将带着对生活和人生目标的全新愿景回家.


Wake up and get ready for a great day.

早上,你可以去早餐室享用简单的意大利面包早餐, 果酱, 还有一杯美味的卡布奇诺.


In class, you learn about the decay and fall of the late Roman Empire. 然后,全班同学将前往城市,与刚刚在教室里遇到的每个人面对面.


学生在私人餐厅用餐,在那里他们享受正宗的意大利餐:意大利面, roasted chicken and rosemary potatoes, 新鲜的水果, 等.

An afternoon trip with friends

Head out into the city with your snacks and backpacks in hand. 你和你的朋友跳上8号电车,从卡萨莱托大街进入市中心. The Italian you learn in class will come in handy while you explore the city.

Taking in the sights and sounds

You and your friends are hunting down a famous painting, The Vocation of St. Matthew by Caravaggio, for your Art 历史 course. 手里拿着地图, 你从阿根廷的拉戈走到圣路易吉·德·弗朗西西,在那里你可以找到这幅画. 在你去的路上, 你可以在遍布罗马城的众多小喷泉中随便挑一个喝一杯, still working through the ingenuity of the ancient Roman aqueducts. After taking notes for your paper on the painting, 你和你的朋友们在附近广场的教堂台阶上坐下,为第二天的课读点书.


走回有轨电车的路上, you and your friends run into a group of American students from another university. 他们告诉你,上周末他们坐火车去米兰,看了大教堂和达芬奇的《立博中文版官网》,你绝对不能错过. They give you information about which train they took, as well as the hostel where they spent the night while they were there.


You hop on the tram and head back to the neighborhood of the 罗马 campus. 回家前, you notice a few of your classmates enjoying gelato at a local shop and join them. 经过漫长的一天,你筋疲力尽地躺在床上,不知道第二天会有什么惊喜!



  • 100级意大利语言文化课程(3学分,文科核心选修课)
  • 121年艺术 意大利艺术 (3学分,艺术核心)
  • CTH/PHI 210 搜索 for Happiness (3 credits, Ethics core)
  • THE/CTH 234 Benedict: Yesterday and Today (3 credits, Theology core or “THE 200-level or above” core elective)
  •  HIS/CLA 311 Grandeur of 罗马 (3 credits, liberal arts core elective) 


  • THE/CTH 234 – Benedict: Yesterday and Today (3 credits)

My experience 在罗马 and in Europe has opened my eyes to how big the world is. There is so much history and 罗马 is a never-ending adventure. It is crazy to think you are amongst some of the holiest sites in the world.

Sydney Weber, Exercise Science student

Interested in 应用ing to 罗马?

Current students can apply for the 罗马 program by going to the 罗马门户 在我的.sh-fyz.com and using the self-enrollment link. Log in using your UMary credentials and get started!

